No Magic사 홈페이지 및 CAMEO Systems Modeler 특징
Cameo Systems Modeler ™ is an industry leading cross-platform collaborative Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) environment, which provides smart, robust, and intuitive tools to define, track, and visualize all aspects of systems in the most standard-compliant SysML models and diagrams. The environment enables systems engineers to:
Run engineering analysis for design decisions evaluation and requirements verification
Continuously check model consistency
Track design progress with metrics
System models can be managed in remote repositories, stored as standard XMI files, or published to documents, images, and web views to address different stakeholder concerns.
Key Products
Cameo Simulation Toolkit provides the first in the industry extendible model execution framework based on OMG fUML and W3C SCXML standards. It extends Cameo Systems Modeler to validate system behavior by executing, animating, and debugging SysML State machine, Activity, and Parametric models in the context of realistic mock-ups of the intended user interface.
Cameo Systems Modeler
Cameo Enterprise Architecture
Cameo Business Modeler
Cameo Collaborator
Teamwork Cloud
Teamwork Server
Cameo dataHub
Cameo Inter-Op
Cameo Workbench
Cameo Risk Manager
Cameo E2E Builder
Cameo E2E Bridge
Cameo E2E Commerce
이메일: eshong [at]
대표전화: 02-782-8661
휴대전화: 010-5218-8661
서울: 서울특별시 서초구 서초대로 34길 31 (방배동) 피스콜빌딩 3층 (우) 06661
창원: 경남 창원시 창원대로 18번길 46 경남창원과학기술진흥원 11층 1112 (우)51359